Q-1. Show that 63504 is a perfect square.
Q-2. Find the smallest no. by which 25200 should be divided so that result is a perfect square.
Q-3. Find the greatest no. of 6-digit which is a prefect square.
Q-4. Find the least no. of 6-digit which is a prefect square.
Q-5. Write Pythagorean triplet whose one number is 14.
Q-6. Find the square root of 298116 by long division method.
Q-7. Find the square root of 3013696 by long division method.
Q-8. A welfare association collected Rs202500 as donation from the residents. If each paid as many rupees as there were residents, find the no. of residents.
Q-9. Find the square root of 121 and 169 by repeated subtraction method.
Q-10. A teacher wants to arrange maximum possible no. of 6000 students in a field such that the no. of rows is equal is the no. of column. Find the

Q-11. Find the values of

Q-12. Find the square root of 52

Q-14. Find the square root of 237.615 correct to 3 places of decimal.
Q-15. What is the smallest no. by which 3087 must be divided so that the quotient is a prefect cube?
Q-16. Evaluate {(242 +72)½}3.
Q-17. Evaluate

Q-18. Find the volume of a cube whose surface area is 384m2 .
Q-19. Find the volume of a cube, one face of which has an area of 64m2 .
Q-20. Show that -17576 is a prefect cube.
Q-21. Find the cube root of 140x2450.
Q-22. Divide the no. 26244 by the smallest no. so that the quotient is a prefect cube. Also, find the cube root of the quotient .
Q-23. Find the smallest square number divisible by each one of the numbers 8, 9 and 10.
Q-24. The area of a square field is 5184 m2. A rectangular field, whose length is twice its breadth has its perimeter equal to the perimeter of the square field. Find the area of the rectangular field.
Q-25. Three numbers are to one anther 2:3:4. The sum of their cubes is 33957. Find the numbers.
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ReplyDeleteSucks and not even helpless