Friday 18 March 2011

Mixed questions for first term

1.Prove that 2 + √5 is an irrational number.                                                                                [2]
2.Visualise  4.26   on number line up to 4 places                                                                      [2]
3.Represent on number line  9.3                                                                                                [2]

4. Prove that if two line intersect pair of vertically opposite angles are equal                       [3]

5. Ray OS stands on line PQR , Rays OR , OT are angle bisectors of <POS and < SOQ
 If < POS =   X Find < ROT                                                                                                             [3]

6. Prove that Ext angles of a triangles is equal to sum of interior opposite angle               [3]

7. POQ is a line . Ray OR is perpendicular to line PQ . OS is another ray lying between
Rays OP and OR . Prove that < ROS = ½( <QOS - < POS ) .                                                   [5]

8. QR of triangle PQR is produced to S . If the bisector of <POR  and < POS meet at T
Prove that  <QTR = ½ < QPR                                                                                                         [5]

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